Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I need therapy!

I have just finished the first performance of "My Fair Lady" and I must now be certifiable!!! No no one told me that they had changed the starting time of the matinee to half an hour earlier!!!! I got there with minutes to spare before it began!!!! Communication people!!!!!! And it was actually the first time that we had played the second act. What a shambles!!!!!! We ended up working out the cuts as we went along!!! Singers forgot to put their microphones on when changing costumes. They had major isues with my microphone! I sounded very boomy in the second half even when I wasn't playing!!!!!!! I had to stop at one stage and dampen the entire instrument and that didn't work!!!!!
I think that it is safe to say that this is my first and LAST school production!!!!!!
They gave me two free tickets to the final performance. Who do I dislike.........?


JollyRgr said...

Don't even think of giving them to me......remember what I do for a living:-)

Odyssey said...

I'll take them!

No, wait, I think I'm out of town that day...

mouthfulofpancake said...

So funny!! I don't dislike anyone that much so I don't know what to do with them!!!!!~!!

JollyRgr said...

A ritual burning to exorcise the demons perhaps........