Sunday, March 02, 2008


So exactly when do you call it quits and throw in the towel?!?!?! Have I no suffered enough?!?!? I had my first day at uni today. It was all going well until, I went to the music department and found out that I had a lecture this afternoon that they "forgot" to tell me about!!!!! I had dance teaching this afternoon!!!!! In a nutshell, the lecturer's response was "well you have to be there" and "why hasn't the ed dept sorted this out?" It is not the ed dept's fault!!! Look a little closer to home. Anyway, I got out of today's lecture, rang the dance principal in tears because I was stressed and sick and tired of mucking her around. She was great. But I do have a great deal of re-organising to do for next week!!!!! This component of the music unit wasn't showing up on any of the timetables so it came as a real shock when two of us approached the lecturer involved about a completely different topic and he said "I'll talk about it more this afternoon"?????? He is going to have a very quiet class!!! And he kept running away during the conversation but we kept chasing him!!!!


Goose said...

Smile and wave boys. Smile and wave...

mouthfulofpancake said...

My cheeks hurt!!!!

Odyssey said...

Screw smiling. Kick them where it hurts!