Friday, February 02, 2007

I'm still here!

So I'm back at work and i am doing less this year (yippee skip). I'm sitting here with my cappuccino (love my coffee machine!) and am pondering over the first week. There were highs; walking into a new school and being handed a glass of champagne!?!?!?! There were lows; carrying the instrument in near 40 degree heat and getting told off by an unknown teacher at a school where there is massive construction going on (you know when you were a kid and that really mean teacher tells you off and makes you feel a couple of centimeters tall and to top it off watches you walk away scowling all the way). There is far less stress at the start of this year. Last year I didn't have enough instruments and two of my charges didn't even get an instrument till term two! All in all, it was a good week, busy but good.


JollyRgr said...

Sounds like a pretty good start....especially the coffee part:-)

Relax and enjoy this year....I think you did too much last year....just an opinion:-)

mouthfulofpancake said...

Opinion noted and you are not alone in that opinion either

Goose said...

I'll keep my opinion to myself, but I do like the sound of the champagne!

Actually, I won't keep my opinion to myself... glad to see you doing less this year! Enjoy!! :-)