Saturday, March 25, 2006

So this is my very first blog!! I really don't have anything intelligent to say other than to welcome you all to my world and I hope that it will be a beautiful and long lasting friendship!


Odyssey said...

Okay sis, time to blog on!

Yes, I knew it was you. Even before lil brother told me.

mouthfulofpancake said...


mouthfulofpancake said...

I told him not to tell!!!! Lucky he is over there or........

Odyssey said...

Hey, I had it figured out before he told me. That counter on my blog - it links me to a list of who's visited. I only know one person with an optus account who would bother reading my nonsense... It had to be you!

mouthfulofpancake said...

busted! like my cat?

Odyssey said...

Question is, do you let your cat lick you?


JollyRgr said...

Now that's fully wrong.......:-0

mouthfulofpancake said...

poor kitty!

mouthfulofpancake said...

What about my other blog???? I dying (bad choice of words really) to know what you think of my shooting..... you know .... with a real gun and ammo????? Anyone??????

mouthfulofpancake said...

Not that I'm desperate for attention or anything!!!!!